30 May, 2011

A Preface

I have had some great opportunities to travel abroad in the past few years. For my internship in Macau, China in 2008, I bought my first camera. Though I rarely have the desire to take photos at home, I go nuts on trips. I attribute this trait to my self-consciousness about my incredibly poor memory, and my desire not to forget the interesting things I see. This hit home recently when, reminiscing with Broadway and Barton, I did not remember half the stories they brought up about our trip to the UK in 2007. I befriended a couple Germans at the hostel? Broadway in a fit of rage cursed us all out one by one (well, ending with 'Dice, you're cool') and stormed out of the room? What's the point of spending all that money on a trip if I can't even remember what happened? If I won't remember the stories on my own, I better document the trip somehow.

I have a Picasa page where I dump a lot of photos, and I can post on Facebook as well. But I am starting this photo blog so I can just hit on some highlights in a way that can satisfy a low attention span but still tell an interesting story (maybe).

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